Two Finished Projects
Hurray! Two projects were completed on the same day. And on that day daughter (who now and evermore wants to go by Aurora) filed her FAFSA in hopes of financial aid for grad school. We had a mini celebration dance in the kitchen. Really, there should have been a huge feast, but, who has the time? Maybe when the DVD project is wrapped up we will have a proper celebration with friends and relatives.
Here's the knitted bag before felting:

The knitted bag from rovings turned out great! This was my first felting project. I love how it turned out. It accompanied us to the Black Sheep Gathering where I strolled around the booths while spinning. The Turkish spindle and roving fit just perfect inside. (The picture doesn't do justice to the colors, the picture below is better!)

The first run of the Spinning Tutorial came off Kinko machines on Tuesday! It’s such a relief to have this long project finally in print. Reluctantly I opted for black and white after hearing quotes for color copies. Disappointing and unsatisfactory. I’ll offer the black & white copies for less but will run color after this. Color captures the full effect of spinning.

The spinning video has been edited (hours of work!) and now I have only the addition of sound to go. A young woman friend was willing to be my guinea pig and learn to spin for the instructional video. We had fun but it’s definently an amature job. I may end up asking our neighbor to take a new video of it all. Seeing and hearing oneself on video is a strange experience for this person who doesn’t have a camcorder! Still, I think it clearly shows the steps of spinning with a Turkish Drop Spindle. The target date to transfer to and burn the DVD is Tuesday then they should be ready to sell along with the booklet. Another baby birthed!
Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, OR is this weekend. Ed & I spent several hours there. It’s so stimulating to be around fiber folks, taking in the newest colourways and fibers, being temped on every side by brillant colors and soft wools. I managed to walk away with carders to handle the cashmere I’ve been given and a mass of rayon ribbon to make a hairpin lace skirt. There’s so much fiber stashed here and there in the house, and projects waiting to be worked I’ll be kept busy until the goats come home.
Here I am with the felted spinning bag with Teyani at her booth at the BSG. Teyani wants a felted bag for her Turkish spinning! :-)
The dog bite is healing quite nicely. It’s going to be a dandy of a scar. The owner agreed to surrender him to be put down when the animal shelter people complained of the dog’s aggressiveness. I’m relieved that no one else will ever have to deal with his teeth.
Our son and d-i-l are doing well. They’ve found a cute house to rent in the country near a creek and surrounded by hop farms. Best of all, they’ll be only six miles away.
Here's the knitted bag before felting:

The knitted bag from rovings turned out great! This was my first felting project. I love how it turned out. It accompanied us to the Black Sheep Gathering where I strolled around the booths while spinning. The Turkish spindle and roving fit just perfect inside. (The picture doesn't do justice to the colors, the picture below is better!)

The first run of the Spinning Tutorial came off Kinko machines on Tuesday! It’s such a relief to have this long project finally in print. Reluctantly I opted for black and white after hearing quotes for color copies. Disappointing and unsatisfactory. I’ll offer the black & white copies for less but will run color after this. Color captures the full effect of spinning.

The spinning video has been edited (hours of work!) and now I have only the addition of sound to go. A young woman friend was willing to be my guinea pig and learn to spin for the instructional video. We had fun but it’s definently an amature job. I may end up asking our neighbor to take a new video of it all. Seeing and hearing oneself on video is a strange experience for this person who doesn’t have a camcorder! Still, I think it clearly shows the steps of spinning with a Turkish Drop Spindle. The target date to transfer to and burn the DVD is Tuesday then they should be ready to sell along with the booklet. Another baby birthed!
Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene, OR is this weekend. Ed & I spent several hours there. It’s so stimulating to be around fiber folks, taking in the newest colourways and fibers, being temped on every side by brillant colors and soft wools. I managed to walk away with carders to handle the cashmere I’ve been given and a mass of rayon ribbon to make a hairpin lace skirt. There’s so much fiber stashed here and there in the house, and projects waiting to be worked I’ll be kept busy until the goats come home.
Here I am with the felted spinning bag with Teyani at her booth at the BSG. Teyani wants a felted bag for her Turkish spinning! :-)

The dog bite is healing quite nicely. It’s going to be a dandy of a scar. The owner agreed to surrender him to be put down when the animal shelter people complained of the dog’s aggressiveness. I’m relieved that no one else will ever have to deal with his teeth.
Our son and d-i-l are doing well. They’ve found a cute house to rent in the country near a creek and surrounded by hop farms. Best of all, they’ll be only six miles away.